Hi, This is my blog post about my reflection about 2015, I feel so happy that I came to Pt England school and what I feel about being a year 7 is awesome because I am a future year 8 and I have had so much fun with team 5 and going on so many trips. What I didn't like about this year was getting in trouble. What I found difficult about this year was solving some of my maths problems and finding the answers and I found it difficult to finish my work on time. If I could grade myself for being awesome from 10-10 I would chose 8-10 because I have been awesome a lot but sometimes I get in trouble but I do finish my work in time. The fundraisers that we did this year was cake stalls to help netball girls pay their fees, we had a garage sale for the year 8 camp and we did lots of other fundraisers. For 2016 What I would change about myself is participating in more sports and other stuff for next year because it will be my last year at Pt England school.For next year I want my teacher to know how smart I am and how I solve my problems. For next year I would want more help with my maths. I would show my teachers how I work things out.
Hello, This is my Blog Post about rockets. In this Presentation it's got lots of facts about rockets and I hope after you read this presentation you might learn something new.